2005 年静宁县碘缺乏病监测情况分析

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碘缺乏病(IDD)是分布最广、威胁人口最多的地方病,为了消除其危害,静宁县各级政府采取积极措施,推行全民食用合格碘盐进行防治,为了全面了解和掌握本县居民IDD防治现状,评价干预措施落实情况及防治效果,更好地为今后IDD防治提供科学依据,于2005年初对该县进行IDD监测,结果如下 IDD is the most widely distributed and most endemic endemic disease. In order to eliminate its harm, all levels of government in Jingning county take active measures to promote the prevention and treatment of qualified iodized salt by the whole people. In order to fully understand and master the IDD prevention and treatment Status quo, evaluate the implementation of intervention measures and prevention and treatment results, and better provide a scientific basis for future prevention and treatment of IDD, IDD monitoring of the county in early 2005, the results are as follows
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