
来源 :明日风尚 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haihaiboyfei
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王珉先生的煌煌巨著《美国音乐史》是当前系统介绍美国音乐发展的优秀书籍。本文研究其内容界定,阐释其学术新价值,以期吸引更多人关注美国音乐。同时,本文大胆提出存在的问题及建议,以期来日再版更加完善。 Wang Min’s brilliant Huang masterpiece “American music history” is the current system of outstanding American music development books. This paper studies the definition of its content and explains its academic value, with a view to attracting more people to pay attention to American music. At the same time, this article boldly raised the existing problems and suggestions, with a view to further improve the Japanese version.