This article describes the possibility of using flotation to separate monazite from xenotime ore and to separate 钶ite from tungsten ore. These two types of mines are generally difficult to separate by physical separation methods. For the monazite and xenotime samples in Malaysia, flotation was performed at a pH of 7.5 with a dodecylamine oxide (DAC) (1.0 × 10 -4 mol / L) as collector The recovery rate is quite different. As a result of the mixed flotation of the two minerals, the quality and recovery of monazite was 85% and 67%, respectively, for the selected foam without the scavenging operation, followed by the selection of foam. The monazite grade and recovery were 91% , 51%. For monazite samples of various origins, DACs were used as collectors to study their cleanability through electrostatic interactions between mineral surfaces and collector ions, but low crystallinity and coarse-grained and complex tests Like, its buoyancy abnormal decline. In addition, when sodium dodecyl sulfonate was found to be a collector, iron ions dissociated from the minerals in the flotation system were found to have an activation effect on flotation. For bauxite and ferrotite, it is possible to separate the two minerals based on the flotation results for each mineral single mineral at a sodium oleate concentration of 1.0 × 10-8 mol / L at pH = 3. However, in mixed flotation, the recovery rate of ferrite in foam is much lower than expected. This is because tungstate ions dissociated from the tungstite undergo a characteristic adsorption on the surface of the briquette, causing the surface charge to become more negative, preventing adsorption of sodium oleate on the surface of the briquetite.