“到美容院去纹眉”,似乎在昨天这都还是个时髦的话题,今天却又开始在忙乎洗眉了。这世界真是变化快。 “纹眉”刚刚有了点“生意”,“洗眉”又开始流行起来,这看起来象有商家的“黑手”在操纵,其实不然,这里有社会心理、消费时尚诸多因素的影响,应该说,洗眉是当今一个很有趣的美容文化现象。当初,广告上、传媒上说纹眉好,于是不少爱美的女性就跟风,没考虑自己适合不适合纹眉,多半纹眉后暗自叫苦,一些本来还看得的眉毛,结果变得傻楞傻楞
“To the beauty salon to tattoo eyebrows,” it seems yesterday, this is still a fashionable topic, but today began to wash the eyebrows. This world is really fast changing. “Eyebrow” just had a point of “business”, “eyebrow” has started to pop up, it seems like a business “black hand” in the manipulation, it is not true, there are social psychology, consumer fashion and many other factors that should Say, shampooing is a very interesting beauty culture today. At the beginning, advertising, the media said that the tattoo is good, so many beautiful women follow the trend, did not consider themselves suitable for not suitable tattoo eyebrows, most of the tattoos secretly complain, some would have seen the eyebrows, the result becomes silly silly silly Leng