Dynamic dam-reservoir interaction analysis including effect of reservoir boundary absorption

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bueryuyu33
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Based on the scaled boundary finite-element method, the governing equations for the analysis of dam-reservoir interaction including the reservoir boundary absorption are developed. Coupling with the equation of dam-unbounded foundation interaction, it can effectively carry out the earthquake response analysis of dameservoir-foundation system. The proposed approach has the advantages that the effect of compressibility of reservoir water as well as the energy absorption of reservoir boundary on the earthquake response of arch dams and gravity dams can be efficiently evaluated and higher accuracy can be achieved. In comparison with the methods available in the literature, the computational cost can be reduced to a great extent. It facilitates the application of earthquake response analysis of dam-reservoir-foundation system including reservoir boundary absorption to the engineering practice. Based on the scaled boundary finite-element method, the governing equations for the analysis of dam-reservoir interaction including the reservoir boundary absorption are developed. Coupling with the equation of dam-unbounded foundation interaction, it can effectively carry out the earthquake response analysis of dameservoir-foundation system. The proposed approach has the advantages that the effect of compressibility of reservoir water as well as the energy absorption of reservoir boundary on the earthquake response of arch dams and gravity dams can be be evaluated as higher degree of accuracy can be achieved. In comparison with the methods available in the literature, the computational cost can be reduced to a great extent. It facilitates the application of earthquake response analysis of dam-reservoir-foundation system including reservoir boundary absorption to the engineering practice.
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