Soft magnetic nanocrystalline Fe_ (73.5) Cu_1Nb_3Si_ (13.5) B_9 alloy (Finement) is obtained by annealing the amorphous ribbon. It consists of α-Fe (Si) grains with 10 ~ 20nm grain size and the remaining amorphous phase. Its excellent properties are related to the structure. The nanocrystallites annealed at 540 ℃ have the best soft magnetic properties. At this time, the remaining amorphous phase accounts for about 30% ~ 40%. The amorphous phase (including the interface layer between amorphous and crystalline grains) plays an important role in exchange coupling. In this paper, Fe_ (69.5) (CuCrV) _ (9.5) Si_ (13) B_8, Fe_ (73.5) Cu_1Nb_3Si_ (13.5) B_9 and the other simple Fe_3Si_ (0.95) Nb_ (0.05) The M (?) Ssbauer spectrum analysis as the main means to study the micro-structure of the amorphous phase of these three kinds of crystallites, found that there is a weakly magnetic interface layer, may play an important role in exchange coupling.