Frequency synthesizer is an atomic frequency standard device, an essential part of the frequency analyzer. Synthesizers can be roughly divided into synchronous oscillator type and hybrid type, both of them are frequency modulated by their own spurious frequency noise (phase modulation). Therefore, studying the frequency stability of this signal shows that it is different from that of a continuous spectrum. That is to say, the frequency stability is not only related to the noise level and the average measurement time, but also to the modulation frequency, the frequency difference of the comparison signal and their interrelationship. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain the correct frequency stability with only the conventional measurement method. As a method, it has been proposed to use a spectrum analyzer to measure the noise electrons to arrive at the maximum value of the frequency steepness. The noise ratio should now be at least -80 dB (at 10 MHz) to achieve the required frequency stability of the standard. Finally, a confirmatory test was conducted and, in addition, a simple synthesizer for high-precision frequency measurement was manufactured and the desired performance was obtained.