二战后 ,在东西方抗衡对峙中 ,全面冷战与局部热战并存 ,军事较量与外交折冲相伴随 ,旧殖民体系土崩瓦解 ,强权霸道依然故我 ,现代科技革命开始勃兴 ,现代化、全球化逐步形成新的高潮。直至 2 0世纪 80年代末 90年代初 ,冷战结束 ,两极格局不复存在。追溯历史 ,可以明确的是 ,发生在 2 0世纪 5 0年代的奠边府战役与日内瓦会议 ,是当代世界演变进程中的重要事件。最近 ,我校越南研究所和北京大学东南亚学研究中心邀请中、法、越三国学者 ,成功举办了奠边府战役与日内瓦会议国际学术研讨会。现选刊几位越南学和东南亚学研究者的一组文章 ,试图从某一方面或全球变局的角度 ,重新审视奠边府战役与日内瓦会议的历史背景和历史影响 ,力求表达一些学术新声。
After the Second World War, in the face of the confrontation between the East and the West, the full co-existence of the Cold War and the local hot war, the military struggle and the diplomatic infiltration accompanied by the fall of the old colonial system, the overbearing power of the enemy still persist, and the modernization of science and technology has begun to flourish, and the globalization has gradually taken shape . Until the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the bipolar pattern ceased to exist. Tracing back to history, it is clear that the Dien Bienven battle and the Geneva conference that took place in the 1950s are important events in the evolution of the contemporary world. Recently, scholars from France, Vietnam and Vietnam from Institute of Vietnam Studies and Peking University Southeast Asian Studies Center successfully held the International Seminar on Dien Bien Phu Campaign and Geneva Conference. A selection of articles by Vietnam Studies and Southeast Asian Studies is now selected to try to re-examine the historical background and historical impact of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign and the Geneva Conference from a certain perspective or from a global perspective. The aim is to express some new academic sights.