房山区燕山动力厂罗非渔场八月十三日从福建厦门嘉美公司引进吴郭鱼乌仔5万尾,规格为1.0—1.5cm,由于班机误点,从装箱到渔场用了十多个小时,成活率仍达98%以上,目前仔鱼食欲旺盛,长势良好。 吴郭鱼又名台湾改良罗非鱼,是台湾水产专家经过十多年的潜心研究培育出的一种新罗非鱼。据有关资料介绍,这种新推出的吴郭鱼有以下几个特点: 一、具有较强的耐低温能力,4℃以上,即可成活。众所周知,罗非鱼具有肉质鲜美,肌间刺少,抗疾病力强,食性杂,易饲养等优点,深受消费者喜爱,市场供不应求。但制约该鱼发展因素是罗非鱼对越冬温度要求较高,短时极限低温为14—16℃,因此
Fangshan District Yanshan Power Plant Luo Fei fishery on August 13 from Xiamen, Fujian Province Kamei introduced Wu Kwai Wui 50000, size 1.0-1.5cm, due to flight delays, from the box to the fishing grounds spent more than 10 hours , The survival rate is still up to 98%, the current appetite of larval strong, good growth. Tilapia also known as Taiwan tilapia, Taiwan aquatic experts after ten years of painstaking research to cultivate a new tilapia. According to the information, the newly introduced tilapia has the following characteristics: First, it has a strong ability of resistance to low temperature, more than 4 ℃, you can survive. As we all know, tilapia has the advantages of delicious meat, less inter-muscular spines, strong resistance to disease, miscellaneous eating habits, easy feeding and so on, deeply loved by consumers and the market is in short supply. However, the factors restricting the development of the fish is the winter tilapia higher temperature requirements, short-term extreme low temperature of 14-16 ℃, therefore