
来源 :职业教育(下旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bennkyoumusi
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作业是教学的组成部分,是课堂教育的延伸,可因为物质条件的限制,在软件教学后,老师只能布置书面作业。中职生普遍存在平面设计能力欠缺的问题,如何使课后书面作业在培养学生平面设计能力上发挥作用,是值得我们研究的课题。 Homework is an integral part of teaching and is an extension of classroom education. Due to the limitation of material conditions, teachers can only arrange written assignments after the software is taught. The problems of graphic design ability are common to secondary vocational students. How to make after-school written assignments play a role in cultivating students’ ability of graphic design is a subject worth our study.