
来源 :电子工业专用设备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenth_1980
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随着微电子机械系统新应用的不断推出,使得特殊制造工艺技术得到空前的发展。在过去的10年里,汽车是微电子机械系统产品商业化的推动力。如今,我们进入了以消费品和信息技术的产品占很高份额的微电子机械系统生产制造的新时代,如微射流器件,微光电子机械系统,射频微电子机械系统,非汽车应用加速度器和陀螺等。阐述用于商业化的如上所述器件的新制造工艺技术,即用全自动轨道传送光刻系统来实现低成本的紫外线光刻工艺,以及用于加速度器和陀螺等消费品的高真空键合制造工艺技术。 With the continuous introduction of new applications of microelectromechanical systems, special manufacturing process technology has been an unprecedented development. For the past 10 years, cars have been the driving force behind the commercialization of microelectromechanical systems products. Today we are entering a new era of manufacturing high-volume microelectromechanical systems with consumer products and information technology products such as micro-jet devices, micro-electro-mechanical systems, radio-frequency microelectromechanical systems, non-automotive accelerometers and gyros Wait. The new fabrication process technology for devices as described above for commercialization is described, namely a low-cost UV lithography process using a fully automated orbit transfer lithography system and high vacuum bonding manufacturing for consumer products such as accelerometers and gyroscopes Technology.
The G20 summit breathes fresh life into the weakening health of the world economyw hen the leaders of the wealthiest nations and largest developing The G20 sum
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Japan faces challenges as it begins to rebuild
The ongoing financial crisis is taking a heavy toll on emerging East Asian countries, including China, with weakening exports, reduced investments and credit fl
介绍了利用地方生铁、地方焦熔炼的高硫铁水生产稀土镁球铁的经验。 This paper introduces the experience of using local pig iron and local coke to produce rare eart