【摘 要】
The leading port on the ancient Maritime Silk Road prepares to resume its missionA seaside city of 8 million people,Quanzhou in southeast China’s Fujian Provin
The leading port on the ancient Maritime Silk Road prepares to resume its missionA seaside city of 8 million people,Quanzhou in southeast China’s Fujian Province was once described by Marco Polo(1254-1324)as the“Alexandria of the East”in the late 13th century,when it was known as Zayton(or Zaitun)by traders arriving from the Arab world and heralded as one of the world’s most glorious ports.
The leading port on the ancient Maritime Silk Road prepares to resume its missionA seaside city of 8 million people, Quanzhou in southeast China’s Fujian Province was once described by Marco Polo (1254-1324) as the “Alexandria of the East” in the late 13th century, when it was known as Zayton (or Zaitun) by traders arriving from the Arab world and heralded as one of the world’s most glorious ports.
Dim light at the end of the tunnel for South Africa’s ailing power sectorPlanned rolling power cuts over the next few months and the threat of a total grid col
在日常生活中,土豆通常被人们看作是低档的“家常菜”,其实并非如此。 近年来,营养学家向人们大力推荐土豆。因为土豆营养十分丰富,它含有多种人体所需的氨基酸,大量的钾、钙及多种维生素。新近的研究还认为,土豆中含有一种类似激素类物质,有平衡人体新陈代谢的作用。一些科学家的研究结果证实:欧美人与亚洲人的骨骼、体质上差异的原因之一,便是进食土豆的数量不同。美国农业部研究所的一份关于国民营养问题的报告指出,
Bidding farewell to high-speed economic expansion,China gathers strength to seek new growth pointsChina’s economy grew at a rate of 7.4 percent in 2014 amidst
China sends railway,nuclear power and other equipmentto foreign marketsEquipm Ent industries could soon present a viable way out for China’s sluggish exports.A
Ethiopian Airlines is planning to further its fleet and expand its network in 2015, enabling the flag carrier to widen the gap with other leading African carriers. Ethiopian Airlines has already becom
摘要:目的:小学信息技术课堂是对学生进行网络道德教育的主要阵地之一,在信息技术课渗透网络道德教育具有现实性和必要性。方法:通过课例研究,网络道德教育专题网站体验,调查研究等,探讨小学信息技术课堂渗透网络德育的教育策略。结论:课内:建立绿色电脑教室;课外:搭建良好网络环境;交流:相互帮助与监督;示范:为孩子树立榜样;警示:强化网络道德观;规范:形成良好上网习惯;育人:守护学生心理健康。 关键词:小
snapshot of some policies inside the sFtZ The trial period for the SFTZ has been set at three years, during which regulations will be gradually eased to allow more openness within the zone. There are
Chinese box office numbers saw high growth in 2014 despite lingering problemsThe Chinese film industry once again experienced a boom last year.According to a re
依据 1 0 4国道枣庄段界河立交桥加筋土挡墙加固方案 ,探讨采用预应力锚杆锚固、外墙挂网喷浆加固加筋土挡墙的维修措施
According to the reinforcement plan of the reinf