全世界富豪最多的地区是哪里?也许,你会脱口而出纽约,或者硅谷,或者伦敦,或者香港……也许这些都不对,因为这些地区的很多富豪和跨国公司都把“家”安在了一个叫开曼的群岛。开曼群岛位于西加勒比海,向北遥望美国迈阿密,相距约650公里,与美国之间隔着古巴,从迈阿密搭机到开曼首府乔治城(George Town)约一小时,是开曼对外交通要道。注册圣地虽然开曼群岛的景色也很迷人,天然的海滩和充足的阳光非常适合年轻的bikini女孩晒阳光浴,海岸线上分布的深水区为潜水爱好
Where is the richest in the world? Perhaps you will blurt out New York, or Silicon Valley, or London, or Hong Kong ... Maybe these are not right because many of the rich and multinationals in these regions have put “home” in place One called the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands are located in the Western Caribbean, north of the United States in Miami, about 650 kilometers apart, with the United States across Cuba, from Miami to the capital of Cayman, about an hour by air, Road. Register the Holy Land Although the Cayman Islands is also very charming view of the natural beaches and plenty of sunshine is ideal for young bikini girls sunbathing, the deep waters of the coastline for diving hobby