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非预设性教学形态,顾名思义,就是针对传统的预设性教学形态的弊端而创设的一种新的课堂教学形态,它不仅是教学理念的转变,而且是在教学实践层面的课堂革命。这种教学形态与传统的预设性教学形态的根本区别在于:(1)课堂的重点难点及问题不是教师一厢情愿的预先设定,也 Non-prescriptive teaching forms, as the name implies, are a new form of classroom instruction created in response to the drawbacks of traditional pre-determined teaching forms. It is not only a change in teaching philosophy, but also a classroom revolution in teaching practice. The fundamental difference between this teaching style and the traditional pre-determined teaching style is: (1) The key difficulties and problems in the classroom are not the wishful pre-setting of teachers, but also
《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》乃一代词宗苏轼的传世名作 ,后人推尊之至 ,誉之为千古绝唱。但是此词的风格 ,学术界颇有争议。有人说它是苏词豪放风格的代表作 ,有人说是旷达 ,有人说