食品和包装机械行业是食品工业的重要组成部分。面对市场经济及WTO的临近 ,行业将选择何种应对?2000年6月7日~9日 ,中国食品和包装机械工业协会第2届理事会第四次扩大会议在京召开 ,本刊记者出席了此次会议 ,并请行业权威人士就相关专题进行了深入的更加切合实际的分析与阐述。本刊为此专门刊出食品与包装机械专栏。下期请关注“食品机械安全认证”。
The food and packaging machinery industry is an important part of the food industry. Facing the market economy and the approaching of WTO, what kind of response will the industry choose? On June 7th to 9th, 2000, the 4th enlarged meeting of the 2nd Board of Directors of China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association was held in Beijing. This meeting, and asked the authority of the industry to carry out in-depth more relevant practical analysis and elaboration. This publication specifically publishes columns for food and packaging machinery. Please pay attention to “Food Machinery Safety Certification” in the next issue.