工业园区建设是集聚生产要素,提升产业层次的有效手段;是推进中小企业发展和加快城市化进程的重要载体。萧山市把工业园区建设作为巩固和发展县域经济的基本战略之一,通过多年的努力,现已初具规模。在工业园区建设中,萧山已经形成了一套比较清晰的思路和成功的做法。 1.组织形式。成立了“市工业园区建设领导小组”,由分管副市长任组长,市政府办公室、市计委、市经委负责人任副组长,成员由科委、外经贸委、财政局、土管局、建设局、乡企局、环保局以及工商局等部门主要负责人
The construction of industrial parks is an effective means for agglomeration of production factors and upgrading of industry levels; it is an important vehicle for advancing the development of SMEs and accelerating the process of urbanization. Xiaoshan City regards the construction of industrial parks as one of the basic strategies for consolidating and developing the county economy. Through years of efforts, it has begun to take shape. In the construction of industrial parks, Xiaoshan has formed a set of relatively clear ideas and successful practices. 1. Organization form. Established the “Leader Group for the Construction of the Industrial Park in the City”, which was headed by the deputy mayor in charge of the work, the deputy head of the municipal government office, the municipal planning commission, and the responsible person of the municipal economic commission. The members were members of the Science and Technology Commission, the Foreign Economic and Trade Committee, the Finance Bureau, and the soil management system. Bureau, Construction Bureau, Township Enterprise Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Industry and Commerce Bureau and other departments