1940年,Jaffe[1]首次报道了骨巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor,GCT)。GCT是一种常见于长骨干骺端的低度恶性肿瘤,多发生于20~40岁的女性患者[2]。脊柱GCT相对少见,约占脊柱原发肿瘤的1.4%~9.4%[3],好发于胸腰椎和骶尾骨[4],而颈椎GCT则更为罕见。近期我院收治1例颈椎GCT复发的患者,报告如下。临床资料患者,女,34岁,2014年5月因“颈肩部疼痛1年余,加重伴左手麻木7天”入院。查体:颈椎压痛(约C3~5棘突)。左颈肩及左上肢感觉略有减退,左臂偶有隐痛,左手拇指及食指麻木。病理征未引出。外院CT、MRI示C5椎体病理性骨折(图1a~d)。由于脊髓受压症状明
In 1940, Jaffe [1] first reported giant cell tumor (GCT). GCT is a low-grade malignancy commonly found in the metaphysis of long bones and occurs in women ages 20 to 40 years [2]. Spine GCT is relatively rare, accounting for about 1.4% to 9.4% of the primary spine tumors [3], occurs in the thoracolumbar and sacrococcygeal [4], while cervical GCT is even more rare. Recently admitted to our hospital 1 case of cervical GCT recurrence of patients, the report is as follows. Clinical data Patient, female, 34 years old, May 2014 Because of “neck and shoulder pain more than 1 year, aggravated with left numbness 7 days ” admitted. Physical examination: cervical tenderness (about C3 ~ 5 spinous process). Slight left neck and left upper extremity feel a slight loss, occasional pain in the left arm, left thumb and numbness of the index finger. Pathological sign did not lead. Outside the hospital CT, MRI showed C5 vertebral pathological fracture (Figure 1a ~ d). As the symptoms of spinal cord compression