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近年来,在新闻媒体之间激烈的竞争中,许多报纸都加快加大了改革发展步伐,改革和发展新闻评论,用以增强和提升竞争的实力。一、《广州日报》的新动作《广州日报》成功经验很多,其中一个就是加强评论,去年专门组建了理论评论部。并于下半年连续在要闻版重要位置推出了《每周时评》(后改为《今日时评》)和《都市早茶》。《广州日报》十分强调自己的党报地位,因而很注意通过评论来表明其立场。去年10月15日,在第一版上开辟重头栏目《每周时评》,其开篇之作是《从广佛都市圈看都市未来》。这个栏目的文章,全由本报评论员撰写,放在头版。栏目文章紧扣当前重大的政治经济形势,从当前新闻中选取题材,虽然每周只出一篇,但篇篇有份量。在较长的时间跨度,较大的空间跨度中拓展开去,历史感,时代感并举,十分讲究文采与气势,力图树立气势磅礴的文风。《广州日报》为了让读者更及时地感受到报纸在新闻事件中的立场,将《每周时评》改为《今日时评》。这个专栏发挥了很好的新闻舆论导向作用。 In recent years, in the fierce competition among the news media, many newspapers have accelerated the pace of reform and development, reform and development of news commentary to enhance and enhance the competitiveness of competition. First, the “Guangzhou Daily” new action “Guangzhou Daily” a lot of successful experience, one of which is to strengthen the review, last year set up a special theory of the Department of comment. In the second half of the year, the Company also launched “Weekly Commentary” (later “Today Commentary”) and “City Morning Tea” in important positions in the news edition. The “Guangzhou Daily” places great emphasis on its position as party newspaper, so it pays great attention to commenting on its position. Last October 15 last year, in the first edition to open the main column “weekly commentary”, its opening for “look at the city from the Guangfo metropolitan area future.” Articles in this section, all written by commentators on the newspaper, on the front page. Column article closely linked to the current major political and economic situation, select the subject from the current news, although only one article a week, but the volume of articles. In a longer time span, a larger space span to open to go, the sense of history, contemporary sense of the times, pay attention to Wen Cai and momentum, trying to establish a magnificent style of writing. In order to make the readers feel the newspaper’s position in the news events in a more timely manner, the “Guangzhou Daily” changed “Weekly Commentary” to “Today’s Commentary.” This column has played a very good role of news media.
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碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (bFGF)是由肿瘤细胞或肿瘤浸润的炎症细胞分泌 ,能够刺激成纤维细胞的有丝分裂 ,同时诱导血管的生成 ,存在两种不同的机制。bFGF、bFGF受体、bFGFmRN
目的 探讨从神经胶质瘤细胞中提取热休克蛋白抗原肽复合物 (MAC)的方法。方法 采用免疫亲和层析技术提取神经胶质瘤细胞中热休克蛋白抗原肽复合物 ,采用Westenblot方法对提