我友阿虎,火车司机,年逾五十,行将退休。然而,所经事故桩桩件件如鲠在喉,不吐不快,苦于自己肚中“墨水”有限,嘱我以其人其事整理成文,是为《阿虎行车记》。 火车司机,素有“离地三尺三,赛过活神仙”之誉。殊不知他们无昼无夜,独立作业,责任之重,风险之大,非外人所能想象。一年365天,大轮辘不停转,要想不出事故谈何容易?事故固然令人痛心疾首,教训却是千金难买的财富。古人云:“痛莫大于不闻过,辱莫大于不知耻。”阿虎反思其身,决心家丑外扬,如果司机同行读了《阿虎行车记》后,能举一反三,以阿虎前车之辙为自己后车之鉴,也不枉费他一片苦心。
My friend Ahu, train driver, more than 50 years, is about to retire. However, the parts of the pile after an accident such as slipping in the larynx do not vomit, suffer from their own belly “ink” is limited, told me to organize their written order, is “A Tiger”. Train drivers, known as “three feet off the ground, lived a fairy” reputation. They do not know they have no day and night, work independently, the heavy responsibility, the risk of non-outsiders can imagine. 365 days a year, a large wheel reel does not stop, it is easy to think of an accident easier? Accident is indeed a distressing lesson is the daughter of hard-earned wealth. The ancients said: “The pain is greater than no smell, shame greater than shameless.” Ahu reflect on their body, determined to ugly home Yang, if the driver read the peer “A Tiger”, can give top priority to A tiger in front of the car Ruts for their own lessons, but also in vain he was a painstaking.