1943年 1月 11日夜,座落在南京流湾 8号的一座高级别墅突然发生了一场火灾,火势迅猛,火光把街道照得如同白昼一般。闻讯赶来的日本海军消防队和南京市消防队匆匆救火,因楼高火烈,近前不得,只好眼睁睁地看着它烧成灰烬。 马路边,一辆高级小轿车风驰电掣般开来,“吱”地一声停下,车尚未停稳,一个女人迅速拉开车门,望着一堆黑焦的废墟像被刀子挖了心般的满面痛苦。 房子的主人周佛海眼泪汪汪地赶到女人身边,凄楚歉疚地说:“汪夫人,我没能照顾好
On the night of January 11, 1943, a sudden fire broke out in an upscale villa on the 8th at Wanliwan, Nanjing. The fire was so violent that the fire shone the streets like daylight. The Japanese naval fire brigade and the Nanjing Municipal Fire Brigade rushed to the scene after hearing the news that they had been forced to rush into the fire because of the fire in the tower and had no choice but to watch as it burned to ashes. Along the road, a high-class coupe blew open, “squeak” to stop, the car has not stopped, a woman quickly pulled the door, looking at a pile of black coke ruins like a knife dug like a heart-like face pain. The house owner Zhou Fohai tearfully rushed to the woman around, mournfully said: "Mrs. Wang, I did not take good care of