山东省禹城市殡仪馆狠抓内部建设,完善服务流程,以“透明化”操作赢得丧主依赖,也受到社会各界的一致好评。 服务内容宣传透明。通过印发宣传单、制作专题片、出动宣传车等形式,把新馆基础设施、先进设备、服务门类进行覆盖全市的集中宣传,使广大群众对新馆加深了解。 服务程序安排透明。遗体进馆后的一切手续均由专职引导员协助办理,丧主可在观化室监督火化及骨灰装殓业务,彻底打消了丧主疑虑。
Yucheng City, Shandong Province funeral home pay close attention to internal construction, improve service processes, “transparent” operation to win the dependence of the morgue, but also by all sectors of the community alike. Service content transparent. Through the issuance of leaflets, production of feature films, dispatch of promotional vehicles and other forms, the new museum infrastructure, advanced equipment, service categories covering the city’s focus on publicity so that the general public to deepen understanding of the new museum. Service arrangements transparent. All procedures after the body into the hall are assisted by full-time guides, and the funeral director can supervise the cremation and ashes business in the visualization room, completely eliminating the concerns of the funeral.