由于我军现行军人陪审制度存在着一定弊端:陪审权力不够明确化;陪审员选任制度尚未规范; 在认识上还存在着一些误区;现行陪审制度缺乏自身特点;陪审配套制度尚属空白等,改革与完善我国现行 军人陪审制度就显得十分必要。着眼于我军法制建设的发展,结合我军实际,可在以下几方面予以改革与完 善:确定合理的军人陪审员选举制度,建立健全一整套合理的民主选举程序;明确军人陪审制度的范围;严 格军人陪审员资格的审查;加强陪审员培训,建立陪审配窑制度,明确陪审员的待遇等。
Due to the existing disadvantages of jury system of our military, there are some disadvantages: the power of jury trial is not clear enough; jury selection system has not been normative; there are still some misunderstandings in understanding; the current jury system lacks its own characteristics; the system of jury matching is still blank; It is necessary to perfect the jury system in our country. Focusing on the development of our army’s legal system and integrating the reality of our military, we can reform and perfect it in the following aspects: determining a reasonable election system for military jurors and establishing and completing a sound and complete set of democratic election procedures; specifying the scope of the military jury system; Strict review of military jury qualification; strengthen jury training, the establishment of jury and kiln system, a clear jury treatment.