一、基本情况 按照国务院和建设部关于加快建立廉租住房制度的要求,上海积极探索建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的住房保障机制,在深入调研的基础上,积极稳妥地推进,2000年10月长宁、闸北两个区开始进行试点;2001年6月试点范围扩大至徐汇、卢湾、杨浦、普陀、虹口、宝山、闵行、浦东等8个区;2001年12月在全市19个区县全面推开,初步建立了廉租住房保障制度。在此基础上,2003年4月和12月,先后放宽了人均居住面积认定标准,扩大廉租住房的受益范围,进一步深化完善了廉租住房政策,使全市享受廉租住房政策的家庭扩大到万户。截止2003年年底,全市累计受理申请家庭9085户,初审公
I. Basic Information In accordance with the requirements of the State Council and the Ministry of Construction on accelerating the establishment of a low-rent housing system, Shanghai has actively explored the establishment of a housing security mechanism that is compatible with the socialist market economy. It actively and steadily pushed forward its work on the basis of in-depth investigations and studies. Month Changning, Zhabei two districts began to pilot; June 2001 pilot area expanded to Xuhui, Luwan, Yangpu, Putuo, Hongkou, Baoshan, Minhang, Pudong and other eight districts; December 2001 in the city’s 19 districts and counties comprehensive Opened, initially established a low-rent housing security system. On this basis, in April and December 2003, it successively relaxed the criteria for determining per capita living space, expanded the scope of benefits for low-rent housing, further deepened and perfected the policy on low-rent housing and expanded the city’s family to enjoy low-rent housing policies to Million. As of the end of 2003, the city has accepted a total of 9085 families, first instance public