作为瑞士新一代球员的领军人物,罗杰·费德勒在只有19岁的时候,就被很多网坛前辈所看好,认为他完全有能力在世界男子网坛做出一番惊天动地的成绩出来。他完美的球技和优雅的动作征服了众多“奶粉”。(费德勒的绰号叫“奶牛”)果然,这位“桑普拉斯”的接班人不负众望, 终于成为了当今男子网坛最耀眼的巨星。 2005年,网坛尘埃落定,虽然年底的上海大师杯决赛,费德勒的意外败北让众多“奶粉”感到遗憾。但这丝毫不能动摇费德勒的男子网坛霸主地位。年仅24岁的费德勒创下了网球历史上最令人难以置信的成绩。2005年的他连续第二年夺得了11项头衔,包括两项大满贯赛头衔和四个ATP大师系列赛冠军。费德勒是第五位在ATP排名历史上(始自1973年)在一年内每周都保持世界排名第一的选手。截止2005年12月26日,他在世界排名第一的位置上蝉联了100周。顶着这么多耀眼的光环,罗杰的笑容却仍是那般温和。也许奶粉们爱的正是那个一脸憨厚笑容的Roger、那个失声痛哭的Roger、那个球场上永远凝静内敛的Roger、那个偶尔会开小差的Roger、那个有“人”气的 Roger吧。2006年的网坛,让我们期待罗杰更为精彩的演出!
As the leader of a new generation of Swiss players, Roger Federer was optimistic about many senior tennis players when he was only 19 years old. He believed that he was fully capable of making huge achievements in the world of men’s tennis. His perfect technique and elegant movement conquered many “milk powders”. (Federer’s nickname “cow”) Sure enough, the successor of “Sampurras” has finally become the most dazzling superstar in men’s tennis today. In 2005, the tennis dust settled. Even though the Shanghai Masters Cup final at the end of the year, Federer’s accidental defeat made many “milk powder” regret. But this does not shake Federer’s men’s tennis dominance. Federer, only 24 years old, scored the most incredible achievement in tennis history. In 2005 he won 11 titles for the second year in a row, including two Grand Slam titles and four ATP Masters championships. Federer is the fifth player in the history of the ATP Rankings (since 1973) who remained the world’s number one player every week for a year. As of December 26, 2005, he was reelected for 100 weeks in the world ranking. With so many dazzling brilliances, Roger’s smile is still so mild. Maybe milk powder loves Roger who is full of smile, Roger who cries loudly, Roger who is always calm on the court, Roger who occasionally makes a difference, and Roger who is mad. In 2006, let us look forward to Roger’s more exciting performance!