Colonization and degradation of senescent flowers of zucchini squash by Trichoderma harzianum YC45

来源 :浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c472559561
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In commercial greenhouses, senescent flower petals or flowers of vegetables such as tomato, strawberry, hot pepper and zucchini squash were blighted to be removed from fruits within five days after spraying of Trichoderma harzianum YC459 (TORY, JGreen Inc.), a biocontrol agent with good and consistent efficacy as chemical fungicides for the control of gray mold rot caused by B. cinerea. The mechanism for selective colonization of senescent floral tissues by T. harzianum YC459 was elucidated using fresh and senescent (4 days and 14 days after pollination, respectively) floral tissues of zucchini squash (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) . The spores of T. harzianum YC459 were produced much more on water agar and liquid culture media supplemented with 5% dry powder of senescent floral tissues than with fresh tissues during 15 days incubation. Mycelial growth was also much better in the media with senescent tissues than with fresh tissues. Enzyme activities of carboxymethyl cellulase, amylase and polygalacturonase in the liquid media, which might be involved in the colonization and degradation of tissues by T. harzianum YC459 were compared. The activities of three enzymes were significantly higher in the media with senescent floral tissues than with fresh floral tissues reaching to the maximum during 9 to 12 days of incubation. Especially, the activities of carboxymethyl cellulase and polygalacturonase of T. harzianum YC459 were much higher than those of other Trichoderma species, T. asperellum, T. viride and T. koningii in the liquid media with senescent floral tissues. Based on the results, the selective colonization and degradation of senescent floral tissues, an important habitat for B. cinerea, may be another mechanism for the biocontrol of gray mold rot of vegetables by T. harzianum YC459. In commercial greenhouses, senescent flower petals or flowers of vegetables such as tomato, strawberry, hot pepper and zucchini squash were blighted to be removed from fruits within five days after spraying of Trichoderma harzianum YC459 (TORY, JGreen Inc.), a biocontrol agent The mechanism for selective colonization of senescent floral tissues by T. harzianum YC459 was elucidated using fresh and senescent (4 days and 14 days after pollination, respectively) the spores of T. harzianum YC459 were produced much more on water agar and liquid culture media supplemented with 5% dry powder of senescent floral tissues than with fresh tissues during 15 days incubation. Mycelial growth was also much better in the media with senescent tissues than with fresh tissues. Enzyme activities of carboxymethyl cellula se, amylase and polygalacturonase in the liquid media, which might be involved in the colonization and degradation of tissues by T. harzianum YC459 were compared. The activities of three enzymes were significantly higher in the media with senescent floral tissues than with fresh floral patterns. Particularly, the activities of carboxymethyl cellulase and polygalacturonase of T. harzianum YC459 were much higher than those of other Trichoderma species, T. asperellum, T. viride and T. koningii in the liquid media with senescent floral tissues. Based on the results, the selective colonization and degradation of senescent floral tissues, an important habitat for B. cinerea, may be another mechanism for the biocontrol of gray mold rot of vegetables by T. harzianum YC459.
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