我区自1967年冬应用沪“191”麻疹减毒活疫苗(下称麻苗)后,麻疹发病率降为50/10万左右,前五年为39.69/10万~2.07/10万,近二年来忽又突然上升、较前一年同期增长8.8%倍(317/36)、形成局灶性小流行。为探索我区麻疹流行过程特征与流行因素、我们对这段时间内所报告的317例麻疹病人进行了流行病学复访调查,现将结果分析如下: 一、麻疹发病率、诊断符合率317例中26例失访,实访291例,经核实诊断282例,误诊
My district since the winter of 1967 the application of “191” measles live attenuated vaccine (hereinafter referred to as Ma Miao), the incidence of measles dropped to 50 / 100,000, the first five years of 39.69 / 100,000 to 2.07 / 100,000, nearly In the past two years, Suddenly Suddenly increased again, an increase of 8.8% (317/36) over the same period of the previous year, resulting in a focal pandemic. In order to explore the epidemiological and epidemiological characteristics of measles epidemics in our district, we conducted an epidemiological survey of 317 measles patients reported during this period. The results are as follows: I. Measles incidence and diagnostic coincidence rate 317 26 cases were lost to follow-up, 291 cases were interviewed, and 282 cases were diagnosed as misdiagnosis