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V.格哈特从西方哲学传统和政治传统来解读康德的《论永久和平》,从康德对“公共契约”中“秘密条款”的反讽论述中揭示出康德的真正意图是为人民提供权利、并实现哲学和政治之间的关系的重要变革。在康德之前,西方哲学传统和政治传统一直继续柏拉图和亚里士多德的路线。按照柏拉图,哲学和政治应当合而为一,最高的理想是“国王从事哲学、或哲学家变成国王”;按照亚里士多德,哲学和政治具有一种类比结构,“从事统治就像从事哲学”。在康德那里,哲学和政治相分离,哲学批判和政治实践隶属于两个完全独立的行动领域,“从事统治和从事哲学是互补的社会活动”;因而康德为哲学和政治之间的关系确立起一个新的范式模型。这个范式模型意味着:哲学退出政治。格哈特把康德对哲学和政治的分离归因于理论知识和实践知识之间的差异。过去的哲学家往往把理论知识和实践知识同一化,从理论知识来推导实践洞见;康德看到,理论知识是先天的,实践知识则与境遇性和经验性的事务状态相关,因而不能从理论知识来推导实践知识。 V. Gerhardt interprets Kant’s theory of permanent peace from Western philosophical traditions and political traditions and reveals that Kant’s true intention is that Kant’s theory of irony is based on the irony of Kant’s interpretation of the “public clauses” and “public clauses” People provide rights and realize important changes in the relationship between philosophy and politics. Before Kant, Western philosophical traditions and political traditions continued the route of Plato and Aristotle. According to Plato, philosophy and politics should be combined into one. The highest ideals are “the king is engaged in philosophy, or the philosopher turns into a king.” According to Aristotle, philosophy and politics have an analogy, “ Domination is like philosophy. ” In Kant, philosophical and political separatism, philosophical criticism and political practice belong to two completely independent fields of action. “Kant is the social activity in which governance and philosophy are complementary.” Thus Kant is the relationship between philosophy and politics Establish a new paradigm model. This paradigm model means that philosophy exits politics. Gerhardt attributes Kant’s separation of philosophy and politics from the difference between theoretical and practical knowledge. In the past, philosophers often unified theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, and derived practical insights from theoretical knowledge. Kant saw that theoretical knowledge is innate and practical knowledge is related to status and empirical affairs, and thus can not be deduced from theory Knowledge to derive practical knowledge.
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