Beijing July, rose, chrysanthemum prices rose significantly, lily, carnation prices have declined. Rose As of the 15th, Kunming produced ’Corolla’ average 1.20 yuan / support, up 35% from the previous month; ’Black Magic’ average price of 1.34 yuan / support, up 45.5% from the previous month; ’Tannic average price of 0.99 yuan / Support, up 5% over the previous month; ’Yan powder’ average price of 0.99 yuan / support, up 24.2% from the previous month. As of the 15th, the average prices of ’Siberian’ reached 3.87 yuan / piece, down 34.4% from the previous month. The average price of Sorbonne was 3.70 yuan / piece, up 43.1% over the previous month. The average price of gold reached 1.57 yuan per piece, Last month fell 11.8%; yellow average price of 1.57 yuan / stick, down 21.5% from the previous month.