Effects of induction heat treatment on mechanical properties of TiAl-based alloy

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lene817
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The effects of rapid heating cyclic heat treatment on mechanical properties of a TiAl based alloy (Ti 33Al 3Cr) were studied by means of an induction heating machine. The results show that: 1) fine fully lamellar microstructure with colony size of about 50 μm and lamellar spacing of about 0.12 μm can be obtained; 2) the compression mechanical properties can be improved to a large extent and the best comprehensive compression mechanical properties can reach the yield stress 745 MPa, the large flow stress 1 672 MPa and the compression ratio 19.4%; and 3) the compression fracture at room temperature after induction heat treatment and aging is still typical cleavage fracture. The results of rapid heating cyclic heat treatment on mechanical properties of a TiAl based alloy (Ti 33Al 3Cr) studied by means of an induction heating machine. The results show that: 1) fine fully lamellar microstructure with colony size of about 50 μm and 2) the compression mechanical properties can be improved to a large extent and the best comprehensive compression mechanical properties can reach the yield stress 745 MPa, the large flow stress 1 672 MPa and the compression ratio 19.4 %; and 3) the compression fracture at room temperature after induction heat treatment and aging is still typical typical cleavage fracture.
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