1.以明礬液倒入碳酸钠溶液中,混合液之酸度须控制为pH6(±0.5)。 2.所得膠体,先用普通水洗滌,继用0.4%碳酸氢钾溶液在抽氣漏斗上洗滌。除去硫酸鹽之手續须一次完成之,烘乾以後即不能重行处理,否则,制酸力急速下降。 3.乾燥可控制在90—110℃(约6—10小时),大量烘乾时应注意湿空氣之排出。 4.产品的制酸力一般为250—280毫/克,最高达315.9毫升/克;硫酸鹽之含量远低於药典规定;游离鹼亦远低於苏联药典之规定。
1. Pour alum liquid into sodium carbonate solution. The acidity of the mixture must be controlled at pH 6 (±0.5). 2. The resulting colloid was first washed with plain water and then washed on a suction funnel with 0.4% potassium bicarbonate solution. The process of removing the sulphate must be completed in one operation. After drying, it cannot be reprocessed. Otherwise, the acid production force drops rapidly. 3. Drying can be controlled at 90-110°C (about 6-10 hours). When a lot of drying, pay attention to the discharge of wet air. 4. The acid production capacity of the product is generally 250-280 m/g, up to 315.9 ml/g; the content of sulphate is much lower than the pharmacopoeia; the free base is also far below the provisions of the Soviet Pharmacopoeia.