通过对张掖市龙渠青海云杉(Picea carassifolia)种子园内无性系7年的物候观测,运用ex-cel软件,对温度、相对湿度、日照时数三个关键气象因子与青海云杉无性系花芽开放期、花粉飞散盛期和叶芽开放期三个重要物候期进行相关及其回归分析。结果表明:1)青海云杉无性系花芽开放期,与四月上旬的平均温度、≥0℃积温极显著相关,与四月上中旬的平均相对湿度、日照时数显著相关,温度是影响青海云杉无性系萌芽的主要气象因子;2)青海云杉无性系花粉飞散盛期与四月下旬至五月上旬的平均温度、≥0℃积温、平均相对湿度、日照时数极显著相关。3)青海云杉无性系叶芽开放期与四月下旬至五月上旬的温度、≥0℃积温和四月下旬至五月上旬的平均相对湿度、日照时数显著相关。
Through the phenological observation of clones of Picea carassifolia seed orchard in Zhangye City for 7 years, using ex-cel software, the effects of temperature, relative humidity and sunshine duration on the climatic factors Flower bud opening period, the peak of pollen flying and opening of buds during the three important phenological correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that: 1) The flower bud opening of the spruce of Qinghai spruce was significantly correlated with the average temperature in early April, ≥0 ℃ accumulated temperature, and significantly correlated with the average relative humidity and sunshine hours in the middle of April, and the temperature affected Qinghai Spruce clones germination of the main meteorological factors; 2) Qinghai spruce clonal pollen flying and the end of April to early May, the average temperature, ≥ 0 ℃ accumulated temperature, average relative humidity, sunshine hours were significantly correlated. 3) The leaf sprouts of Qinghai spruce clones had a significant correlation with the average relative humidity and the number of sunshine hours from the late April to early May, the accumulated temperature ≥0 ℃ and the average relative humidity from late April to early May.