发端于上世纪70年代末、80年代初的国有企业改革,一直处于我国经济体制改革的中心环节。进入新世纪后,更期望最终取得根本性的突破。在这个新阶段,国企改革的运行脉络越来越清晰:一是在宏观范畴内继续强力推进以存量为主的布局与结构的战略性调整;二是在微观主体上稳健而又积极地加快企业产权制度改革与创新。 由于宏观范畴的战略性调整同样也不可能脱离企业微观主体的市场进退以及资产的消长,从布局与结构的角度来看,国有经济战略性调整将进一步
The reform of state-owned enterprises that originated in the late 1970s and early 1980s has always been at the center of China’s economic structural reform. After entering the new century, it hopes to eventually achieve a fundamental breakthrough. In this new phase, the operational vein of state-owned enterprise reform becomes clearer and clearer: First, it continues to vigorously promote the strategic adjustment of the stock-oriented layout and structure in the macroeconomic context; secondly, it prudently and actively accelerates the development of enterprises on the micro-level Property System Reform and Innovation. Since the strategic adjustment in the macro-scope is also unlikely to break away from the market advance and retreat of the micro-enterprises in the enterprise and the growth and decline of assets, the strategic readjustment of the state-owned economy will further be made from the perspective of layout and structure