绿树丛中,有一幢红瓦灰墙的大楼。突然,一个人推开窗户从二楼跳了下来。紧接着,一个满头金发的小伙子也跨上窗台,他探头望了一下窗外,不由双腿打颤,但他还是鼓足了勇气咬了咬牙跳将下来。他跌倒在地,一位年轻姑娘立即上前搀扶,把他送进大楼。原来,这里是民警学校在招生。 夜阑人静,那个金发小伙子和姑娘手挽着手漫步在林间小道,他们仍在谈议着白天报考警校的事,姑娘埋怨道:“人家敢跳,你为啥不敢?人家能录取,你为啥不能?”他们正说着,倏地从树丛中窜出四个
Green trees, there is a red tile gray walls of the building. Suddenly, a person jumped out the window and jumped down from the second floor. Immediately afterwards, a young, blonde-haired boy also stepped onto the window ledge. He looked out the window with his probe and did not shake his legs. However, he still had the courage to bite and bite. He fell to the ground, and a young girl stepped forward to help him and took him to the building. It turned out that here is the police school enrollment. Night drifts, the blond guy and the girl walking hand in hand in the forest trail, they are still talking about applying for the police academy during the day, the girl complained: “people dare to jump, why do not you dare? People can take, you are What can not? ”They are saying, suddenly thrown out of the bushes four