【摘 要】
“七姐妹”联盟成员之一的巴纳德学院(Barnard College}建于1889年,是全世界少有的能让女学生像男学生一样接受严格的文理科通才教育(liberal education)的女子私立高校,也是纽约市诸多高校中第一所只招收女生的高校之一,可以说在曼哈顿岛上“一枝独秀”。
“七姐妹”联盟成员之一的巴纳德学院(Barnard College}建于1889年,是全世界少有的能让女学生像男学生一样接受严格的文理科通才教育(liberal education)的女子私立高校,也是纽约市诸多高校中第一所只招收女生的高校之一,可以说在曼哈顿岛上“一枝独秀”。
It is a given2 in American life that goals are inseparable from accomplishment. President Kennedy's 1961 promise to put an American on the moon by the end of the decade is held up as an example of a w
I love teaching lecture courses, but then, when I was a student, I loved taking lecture courses. I was a sucker for lectures from my first day of college, because I was already infatuated with the bea
The first time I saw the tree was when my husband, Tim, dragged me to look at a run-down house he saw listed on a real estate agent's website.As this was one of his hobbies, I was used to it. It was a
In a future world without aeroplanes, children would gather at the feet of old men, and hear extraordinary tales of a mythic time when vast and complicated machines the size of several houses used to
劳拉·马尔维生平简介 出生于1941年的劳拉·马尔维毕业于牛津大学圣西尔达学院(st.Hilda's college),毕业后在英国电影学院(British Film Institute)工作多年.现在伦敦大学伯克贝克学院(Birkbeck College)担任电影与媒体研究教授。
她是歌手、演员、导演、词作家,获得过两次奥斯卡奖、九次格莱美奖、四次艾美奖以及无数其他奖项。她的唱片在,美国售出了7,150万张.在全世界售出了14,000万张,在艺术和商业两方面都获得了巨大成功。根据美国录音协会的记录,在其长达46年的演艺生涯中,有5l张唱片取得金唱片、30张取得白金唱片的成绩。到20世纪70年代末,她成为美国历史上最成功的女歌手_累计唱片销量仅次于猫王(Elvis Pries
In the soul-searching sparked by the financial meltdown, Americans have started to look askance at some of the habits and policies that had come to define our country?
In my youth,before becoming a famer and cameman,I was a bank employee.This is how it an came about.