这是一个十分稀有的病例。著者在近年的文献中未曾找到类似的报告。病例报告病史一位21岁的女孩在二天前出现左腹部疼痛,在家中突然疼痛加剧而昏迷被送至医院。她以往月经周期规律,但在出现以上情况前闭经五周。她曾有二次正常妊娠及在四年前因患宫外孕作过右侧输卵管切除术。检查血压 80/50毫米汞柱,脉搏 108次/分,多汗,在左腹部触到一个高出盆腔外18×13厘米之不活动、无搏动感、压痛的包块,腹部略紧张,左侧肾区有显著压痛,肠鸣
This is a very rare case. The author has not found a similar report in recent years. Case History of Report A 21-year-old girl developed left-sided pain two days earlier and her sudden onset of pain at home was sent to the hospital. Her previous menstrual cycle, but before the above conditions amenorrhea for five weeks. She had two normal pregnancies and had a right tubal resection four years ago because of ectopic pregnancy. Check blood pressure 80/50 mm Hg, pulse 108 beats / min, sweating, in the left abdomen touched a higher than the pelvic 18 × 13 cm inactivity, non-beating, tender mass, the abdomen slightly nervous, left Side kidney area have significant tenderness, bowel