The red cell adherence test currentlyused for detecting A, B, and H antigensin tissues has been successfully adaptedfor detecting the same antigens in thesaliva using two procedures. The glassslide method can detect all three antigensand has been useful for resolving ABOproblems in special cases. The microtiterplate method is able to handle 96 samplesat one time and has been valuable indetermining secretor status in paternitytesting.
The red cell adherence test currentlyused for detecting A, B, and H antigensin tissues has been successfully adapted for detecting the same antigens in thesaliva using two procedures. The glassslide method can detect all three antigensand has been useful for resolving ABOproblems in particular cases. The microtiterplate method is able to handle 96 samplesat one time and has been valuable indetermining secretor status in paternitytesting.