作者对8例曾单用激素或静注免疫球蛋白 (IVGG)无效的免疫性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)病人施行了血浆置换(PE)与IVGG联合治疗。每次PE治疗用量为1个血浆体积,连用3天后给予800-1000mg/kg的IVGG,连用2天。8例病人中有两例经联合治疗后再给予维持治疗,每次于同日进行PE之后给予IVGG,治疗时间间隔约10-14天。疗效分析:①PE+IVGG联合治疗8例中4例有效。血小板上升均达13200/μl,并于1-3周后下降至基线。加用维持治疗
The authors performed a combination of plasma exchange (PE) and IVGG in 8 patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) who had been inactive with steroid or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVGG) alone. Each PE treatment dose of 1 plasma volume, once every 3 days after giving 800-1000mg / kg of IVGG, once every 2 days. Two of the eight patients were relapsed after maintenance therapy. IVGG was given each time PE was administered on the same day and the treatment interval was about 10-14 days. Efficacy analysis: ①PE + IVGG combined treatment of 8 cases in 4 cases effective. Thrombocytopenia reached 13200 / μl, and dropped to baseline after 1-3 weeks. Plus maintenance treatment