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<正> 随着IBM软件服务器系列产品的推出,网络计算作为IBM开放战略中重要组成已经初露端倪,其中目录和安全服务器更起着不可缺的作用。 IBM目录和安全服务器DSS(Directory and Security Server)为用户提供了一个强有力的分布式计算服务手段,帮助企业用户向分布式网络计算环境的转移,这些服务可以在OS/2 WARP上建立一个标准的DCE(Distributed Computing Environment)分布计算网络,与其它平台(包括主机系统、小型机系统、工作站和PC
目的评价原发性高血压患者左房的功能变化 .方法 38例正常人为对照组,67例原发性高血压(EH)患者分为高血压无左室肥厚组(NLVH)和高血压伴左室肥厚组(LVH),应用声学定量(AQ)技术观测左
<正> 一、医学系统思维的基本概念普通系统论认为,自然界和人类社会的任何事物都是一个有序的,统一的整体系统。用于揭示和认识这个整体系统的要素、结构、层次、功能、发展
A nested polymerase chain reaction(N-PCR)for the spegific detection of Helicobacterpylori(H.pylori)was developed with two primer pairs(nested primers)derived fr
Rice cultivation is considered to be initiated by vegetative propagation of sprout from wild perennial stocks. To test whether any presently cultivated rice cul
The mean length of the stria vascularis (SV) and the basilar membrane of four normalguinea pigs measured by means of surface preparation was 21.11 mm and 19. 90
The endothelial cells of the corneas of rabbits preserved by desiccation for vari-ous duration showed no hexagonal form of normal cells but broad bean-like nucl