从1954年开始的“三好学生”评选,以固定的评选比例、基本相同的衡量标准,已在我国的所有大、中、小学校普遍推行50年了。这种“三好学生”评选制度激励了几代学生德智体全面发展,成为几代学生追求的目标和荣誉, 也成为“好孩子”的同义语,更成为上一级学校和社会选拔苗子的“放大镜”。
The selection of “Three Good Students” starting from 1954 has been carried out for 50 years in all primary, secondary and primary schools in our country with a fixed proportion of judges and basically the same measures. This “three good students” selection system has inspired generations of students to develop all-round moral and physical education, becoming the target and honor of generations of students, and has become synonymous with “good boy” and has become a secondary school and social selection. The “magnifying glass.”