粤糖86-368是德宏州甘科所于1997年引种观察,经多年多点试验及生产示范筛选出的一个适应性广、高产稳产、宿根性好、抗旱性强、适应旱地种植的甘蔗品种。该品种萌芽快而整齐,宿根发株多,成茎率高,蔗茎均匀,内容物充实,榨出汁高,纯度高,品质好,平均单产104341.5 kg/hm2,比对照桂糖11号增21.93%,平均糖分14.25%,平均含糖量14868.75 kg/hm2,比对照增16.20%。到2009年止,全州累计推广4万多hm2。在2009年的特大秋冬春连续干旱的年景,该品种仍然生长旺盛,一枝独秀,并再次被列为云南省下一步主推旱地品种之一。
Guangdong Sugar 86-368 is Ganoderma dendrobium introduction introduced in 1997, after years of multi-point test and demonstration of production screened a wide adaptability, high and stable yield, good rooting, drought resistance, adapted to dry planting sugarcane Variety. The varieties of germination fast and tidy, stubble hair plant more, into the stem rate, cane stem uniform, full content, squeezed juice high purity, good quality, the average yield of 104341.5 kg / hm2, compared with the control Guitang 11 by 21.93 %, The average sugar 14.25%, the average sugar content of 14868.75 kg / hm2, 16.20% more than the control. As of 2009, the state has promoted more than 40,000 hm2. In the autumn of 2009, the autumn and spring continuous drought of the year, the variety is still vigorous, thriving, and once again be classified as Yunnan next step one of the main push dryland varieties.