Classroom Seating Arrangements for Listening and Speaking Classes An Action Research Project Proposa

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ming9981
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  In this action research, it analyzed the teaching outcomes achieved according to different seating arrangements from observations and data collected from three language classes from Hawaii Pacific University, USA. Moreover, it offers an opportunity for researchers to make a proposal of further research by comparing the recording of the students’ behavior in different seating environments and evaluating if students have enjoyed their classes.
  Original Stimulus
  I went to observe three different teachers’ classes at Hawaii Pacific University at Honolulu, USA. After the observation of those outstanding instructors, I was impressed by how those teachers arranged their classroom for different activities. More specifically, how they arranged the seats for students in ESL/EFL classes. As I saw in one beginning language class, the teacher arranged students to sit in several separate rows and never changed it. Similarly, in another writing classes, the teacher had the whole class unintentionally divided into two groups with a path in the middle and never changed. However, in the international education classes, the teacher changed the seating of the classes almost every time according to different classroom tasks.
  The different seating arrangements affected teaching outcomes. Because of the traditional desk rows arrangement in the beginning language classes, I saw students sometimes playing on their cellphones, and sometimes dozing off in the class. Although it was better in the writing class, students sometimes appeared placid and lacking in interaction with the teacher and peers. On the contrary, in the international education classes, students were more focused on the class since they had to move around and sit in different places. For instance, they sometimes were seated in four or five clusters, sometimes in a semicircle, and sometimes in two horizontal lines. As an observer, I noticed that students in this class were strongly involved in the classroom activities and interacted with the teacher and their classmates constantly, which made a great impression on me.
  When I look back on my previous career as an English teacher in a local college sin Tibet for years, I never really thought about the effects of the arrangement of the physical classroom environment. When arranging the seating for my students in a class, I would mostly put them into traditional desk rows, no matter if it were a listening or speaking class. In other words, it was a traditional classroom with students facing forward toward the teacher and the blackboard in either horizontal or vertical rows. Part of the reason for this classroom arrangement was that there were usually 50-60 students in a class and it was hard to arrange them into different seating patterns. Another reason was that I, as the classroom manager, was not sure what kind of seating arrangement was suitable for certain classroom activities. I never considered that various student-seating arrangements could make it easier for the teacher to accomplish his or her teaching goals and manage student discipline issues. Therefore, I want to explore seating arrangements for different classroom activities. It will definitely be a benefit for students to reach their study goals, and also make it easier for the teacher to have better control of any student misbehavior in class.   Narrowed Topic- Focus
  Observing the seating arrangements for different classroom activities has aroused my interest in this topic. It is a main part in a teacher’s plan for classroom management. Not only do teachers need to consider the seating arrangement for the room but also the nature of the students involved. I want to explore five main patterns of seating arrangements for listening and speaking class activities. They are: clusters, desk rows, table rows, semi-circle, and pairs. If I can judge the appropriateness of seating arrangements for certain activities, it will help to facilitate a teacher’s instruction and students’ learning as effectively as possible. To be specific, a teacher should be able to arrange different seating patterns of students in order to achieve specific teaching goals. Students should be able to interact more frequently with the teacher and peers and the number of behavioral problems should decrease.
  A good arrangement of the physical environment of a classroom is one way to improve teaching and learning outcomes. The physical arrangement can affect the behavior of both students and teachers. When I was teaching in Tibet, sometimes it felt very hard to control students’ behavior in the classroom; I spent a lot of time on discipline. The students who sat in the front of the class or near to me tended to interact more frequently with me and were more involved in classroom activities. However, students who sat far from me tended to have increased behavior problems. Others who sat in the corners or the back of the room were more likely to be off task than those who sat near my desk. What can I do to improve the effectiveness of my teaching and save limited class time? Obviously, a good and appropriate seating arrangement will benefit a lot. A well-arranged seating environment tends to improve a teacher’s instruction and students’ academic and behavioral outcomes. It is also a way to more effectively manage instruction because it triggers fewer behavior problems and establishes a climate conducive to learning. However, if seating is not properly organized to support the type of schedule and activities a teacher has planned, it can impede the functioning of the day as well as limit what and how students learn.
  Literature Review
  According to Paul (2006), “Successful teachers are often very effective managers of the classroom environment. They create a positive learning community where students are actively involved in their own learning and the management of the classroom. They organize the physical environment … and interact with others when needed” (p. 2). Seating patterns are one of the most important of classroom arrangements. It is the spatial arrangement of the classroom. It refers to where students are seated, where relationships between a teacher and students are established, how people move around the room, and the whole atmosphere and order of the classroom. So what is well-arranged classroom seating? Stewart and Evans (1997) held the same believe as Walker, Colvin and Ramsey (1995) and Walker
【摘要】现代教育技术催生了翻转课堂教学的出现,作为一种现代化的教育理念和教育方式,翻转课堂在高职高专英语教学中有着广阔的应用空间,但是翻转课堂的普及并不意味着传统课堂的退出,相反,传统课堂教学在长期实践中积累的经验依然有利于高素质人才的培养。基于此,本文从高职高专英语的人才培养目标出发,对翻转课堂教学和传统教学的综合应用进行探索。  【关键词】高职高专英语;翻转课堂;传统教学;综合应用  【作者简
【摘要】本文就初中生在英语自主学习过程中面临的困境及其对策进行了阐述,提出要激发内部动机,增强自主学习信心,并通过实施教学分层、推动学生落实自我学习规划等途径,强化学生语言基础,增强学生自我调控能力,培养初中生英语自主学习能力。  【关键词】自主学习;困境;对策  【作者简介】方其代,福建省三明市大田六中。  一、问题的提出  自主学习是学生管理自己学习的能力,具有主动性、独立性和独特性等特征。在
【摘要】本文对高中英语教学现状进行简单阐述,对英语学习者批判性思维的培养方法进行讨论并在实际教学中予以验证。本文认为,在核心素质培养要求下,批判性思维的培养对高中英语教学来说是至关重要的,开放性教学模式的应用有助于培养学生的批判性思维,并且有利于高中英语教学质量的提升。  【关键词】核心素质;高中英语教学;批判性思维  新一轮的教学改革对高中英语教学目标提出了以下要求:培养学生的英语交流能力,尤其
【摘要】随着全球信息化和多媒体技术的高速发展,大学英语教学多模态化日趋明显,人们由传统的识读转变为多元识读。多元识读能力是多元化和交际技术多样化的产物,应用在教学领域中形成新的教学理念和模式。本文基于多模态教学理论,通过实证研究试图探索构建多模态大学英语教学模式,从而培养学生的多元识读能力。  【关键词】多模态教学模式;英语专业;多元识读;能力培养  【作者简介】王婷妹(1983.03-),女,汉
【摘要】信息化学习平台整合了网络学习资源,为学生自主学习拓宽了途径。以信息化学习平台为依托,“翻转课堂”教学尝试弥补了传统课堂教学环节的弊端,把学生自主学习和课堂授课融合起来,教学效果得到了极大地提升。  【关键词】信息化学习平台;翻转课堂;民航英语会话  一、信息化学习平台的构建  随着智能手机和移动互联网的推广普及,知识传授不再局限于学校和教室,学生可以通过在线资源进行移动学习,微课视频的开发
【摘要】英语学科具有较强的抽象性以及复杂性,很多知识都晦涩难懂,在缺乏应用环境的背景下,学生难以全面的掌握以及理解英语知识,因此,在素质教育背景下,教师要尝试在教学中引入项目学习法。本文主要针对英语语言学教学中项目学习的应用进行分析和研究,希望给予我国相关教育同仁以参考和借鉴。  【关键词】英语语言学;项目学习;应用;分析  当前,在我国高等教育英语专业教学中,英语语言学是一门必修课程,其教学目标
【摘要】英语是通用语言,在学习、生活以及工作中都有较高的实用性。小学英语教学中从其实用性角度考虑,教师重视从“听说读写”四个方面提高学生英语能力,并注意与生活紧密结合,增加学生学习和运用英语的体验,达到强化学习效果的目的。本文则以读写结合策略为主进行探讨,分析读写结合教学的具体模式。  【关键词】小学英语;读写结合;策略  【作者简介】汤梦娟,江苏省沭阳县第二实验小学。  前言  目前,小学英语教