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主流媒体是维护公民知情权的重要社会力量,发挥着信息主渠道的作用,这一点在此次抗击非典报道中得到了充分体现:凡能公开发布的信息就决不隐瞒和拖延,一时尚无结论的也坦诚告知社会。此番做法受到了公众的普遍好评。突发事件报道中主流媒体的观点与态度直接影响到公众对问题的认识与情绪。在此次抗击非典报道中,主流媒体保持了应有的理性与热情,基本做到了决策果断,调度有序,报道适时适量适度。积极的议题设置,既符合客观实际,又代表公众意愿,展示了高水平的社会动员和舆论引导能力。突如其来的非典疫情,在考验主流媒体应对突发事件能力的同时,也检验着采编人员坚持“三贴近”的实际效果。那些坚持一线报道的新闻工作者是值得敬重的。他们用手中的笔和纸、镜头和话筒记录下一幕幕惊心动魄的场景,向人们讲述着发生在自己身边的感人故事。实践证明,坚持“三贴近”原则,我们的新闻报道就能鲜活而富有生气。主流媒体此次抗击非典的报道总体是成功的,必将在我国新闻传播史上留下熠熠生辉的一页。 Mainstream media is an important social force for safeguarding citizens’ right to know and serves as the main channel of information. This is fully reflected in this anti-SARS report. Any information that can be publicly released will never be concealed or delayed. Conclusions are also frankly inform the community. This approach has been widely praised by the public. The opinions and attitudes of the mainstream media in emergency reports directly affect the public’s understanding of the issue and emotions. In this anti-SARS report, the mainstream media has maintained its due rationality and enthusiasm, basically making decisive decisions and scheduling in an appropriate and timely manner. The active issue setting not only meets objective reality but also represents the wishes of the public and demonstrates a high level of social mobilization and media guidance. Sudden outbreak of SARS, in the test of the mainstream media ability to respond to emergencies, but also test the editorial staff to adhere to the “three closer to” the actual results. Journalists who insist on first-line coverage are worthy of respect. With their pen and paper, shots and microphones, they recorded scenes of soul-stirring scenes telling people touching stories that happened to themselves. Facts have proved that our adherence to the principle of “three closerness” can make our news report lively and lively. The mainstream media coverage of the fight against atypical pneumonia was overall successful. It is bound to leave a glorious page in the history of the news media in our country.
目的探讨综合护理干预措施对创伤性脑损伤后认知障碍的影响。方法 69例创伤性脑损伤后认知障碍患者随机分为干预组(35例)与对照组(34例)。对照组采用神经外科常规治疗及护理,干预
目的:评价国内灸法治疗原发性痛经(primary dysmenorrhea,PD)的临床疗效,为临床治疗PD提供参考。方法:计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数据库、维普期刊数据库(VIP