生活中,有的女性得了慢性咽炎,在出现吞咽困难时,就会怀疑得了食管癌。有的因疲劳出现短暂头痛, 就担心脑子里是不是长了什么东西。这种放大疾病的做法无疑给自己和家人增加许多烦恼,更为康复设置了重重障碍。有许多因“背负”着家族病史,害怕得冠心病的中年女性也越来越多。一旦出现心悸等不适症状,首先会往冠心病上靠。其实,由于雌激素对心脏有保护作用, 女性在绝经前得冠心病、高血压的几率远远低于男性。不少女性出现的心慌、气短、四肢无力等不适,与植物
In life, some women have had chronic pharyngitis, esophageal cancer is suspected in the event of swallowing difficulties. Some have a brief headache due to fatigue, they worry about what is growing in their minds. This enlargement of the disease undoubtedly adds a lot of agitation to ourselves and our families and sets the bar for rehabilitation. There are many middle-aged women who are more afraid of having coronary heart disease because of their “family history”. In the event of heart palpitations and other symptoms, first of all will go to coronary heart disease rely on. In fact, due to the protective effect of estrogen on the heart, women have coronary heart disease before menopause, the risk of hypertension is much lower than men. Many women appear palpitation, shortness of breath, weakness and other discomfort, and plants