Expo Inspires Architectural Interest

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  An architectural exhibition, held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in late October, showcased the history of and achievements in Chinese construction. The exhibition featured a number of landmarks, including the Hong KongZhuhai-Macao Bridge, the Hong Kong International Airport and world-class skyscrapers from around the nation.
  Using photos, models and multimedia content, the exhibition brought Hong Kong residents an interactive experience of architectural beauty as well as advanced technology. It was co-hosted by the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR, and the China State Construction Engineering Corp. BR

三年前,国家医保局在全国掀起打击欺诈骗取医疗保障基金专项行动“回头看”,重点查处套取医保基金的违法违规行为。  此次行动,在全国共检查定点医疗机构和零售药店19.7万家,查处违法违规定点医药机构6.6万家,其中解除医保协议1284家、移送司法127家,查处违法违规参保人员2.4万人。  医疗保险欺诈事件频繁发生,造成了医疗保险基金的严重透支和医疗资源的不必要浪费。  近年来,全国公安机关也加大对欺
晚上八九点钟,拖着工作一天又被公共交通工具摧残不轻的身体回到家,急不可耐地窝进沙发,或者直接躺上床,拿出手机。也说不上来具体要看什么,哪怕无所事事地看些短视频。再一抬眼,时间已过凌晨。  熬到不得不睡觉的时间,夫妻互道晚安,迎接下一天的循环。  身边的年轻人这样描述工作之外的生活,“根本不想有什么性生活,太累了。”一位年轻人说,躺平最好。  这是现代年轻人的共性,还只是个别经历?越来越多的全球研究
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