
来源 :安徽省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chl1220
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我省去年夏蝗发生面积达三百余万亩,其中飞蝗占一百五十除万亩,经各级党政机关大力组织群众捕打和重点使用药械毒杀,战胜了严重蝗患,保证了农作物丰收,但由于去年八月下旬,各地区连续大雨忙于防汛排捞,以致捕打秋蝗不够彻底,因而秋蝗遗卵很多,据去冬及今春各重点蝗区查卵结果,蝗卵面积共有八十二万六千余亩,分布在以下几个重点地区:滁县专区盰眙、嘉山、凤阳三县有五十四万三千余亩;宿县专区泗洪、灵壁、五河三县有一万七千余亩(有积水地区未能查,估计要比此面积大);阜阳专区颖上、凤台、阜南三县有十四万一千余亩;六安专区寿县、霍丘两县有八万一千余亩;淮南市有四千余亩。以上各地的蝗卵密度一般的一平方丈有二点五到八点五块,最密的一平方丈竟达一○六块。根据以上情况估计今年夏蝗依然严重,各地必须下定决心,在今年彻底把蝗虫肃清,不留残余,免得明年再治。今年减蝗药械准 Last year, the locust occurred in our province more than three hundred million acres, of which migratory locust accounted for one hundred and fifty thousand mu, the party and government organs at all levels to vigorously organize the masses to capture and focus on the use of drug-induced poisoning to overcome a serious locust plague, However, as successive heavy rain in various districts continued to flood control and drainage in late August last year, catching autumn locusts was not complete enough. As a result, there were many eggs left by autumn locusts. According to the result of ovulation in the key locust areas during the winter and spring, There are a total of 826,000 acres of egg area, distributed in the following key areas: Chu County area 盰 眙, Jiashan, Fengyang three counties have more than 53,300 acres; Suxian District Sihong, Lingbi , Five rivers and three counties have more than 17,000 acres (with water area failed to check, it is estimated to be larger than this area); Fuyang area Ying Shang, Fengtai, Funan three counties have more than 141,000 acres; Lu’an area Shouxian, Huoqiu two counties have 81,000 acres; Huainan City has more than 4,000 acres. The above locust egg density in general a flat square have 2.5 to 8.5, the most compact one square abbot up to one hundred and six. According to the above assessment, summer locusts are still serious this year and all localities must make up their mind to completely eliminate the locusts this year without leaving remnants so as not to rule another year. This year reduction of locust medicine equipment
平凡的山和水,平凡的人和事,没有稀奇古怪的标题,没有谜语似的画面,然而从这一帧帧看似平凡的画幅中,你会感受到一股扑面而来的乡土气息和似曾相识的温馨。这些画幅没有任 O
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