现发布《水运工程节能设计规范》为强制性行业标准,编号为JTS 150-2007,自2008年2月1日起施行。《水运工程设计节能规范》(JTJ 228-2000)同时废止。本标准的第2.0.4条、第4.0.6条、第5.0.3条、第6.0.1条、第7.0.5条和第7.0.7条的黑体字部分为强制性条文,与建设部发布的《工程建设标准强制性条文(水运工程部分)》(建标[2002]273号)具有同等效力,必须严格执行。
Now promulgated the Code of Design for Energy Conservation of Water Transport Projects as a compulsory industry standard numbered JTS 150-2007 and effective as of February 1, 2008. Code of Practice for Energy Conservation in Ship Design (JTJ 228-2000) shall be abolished at the same time. The standard part 2.0.4, Article 4.0.6, Article 5.0.3, Article 6.0.1, Article 7.0.5 and Article 7.0.7 of the bold part of the mandatory provisions, and the Ministry of Construction Issued “mandatory standards for construction projects (water transport project)” (Jianbiao [2002] No. 273) have the same effect, must be strictly enforced.