创业公司Nicira有着一个极为大胆的目标:重新设计计算机网络,让各类联网设备更智能、更快速、更便宜。早在2003年,马丁·卡萨多(Martin Casado)就发现,摆在自己面前的是一个不小的挑战:他需要重新发明用来支撑互联网的技术。现行技术已经制定了数十年之久,并在早些时候被证明经受不起这个时代的网络战。卡萨多当时是劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)的一个研究员,一个美国情报机构找到了他,并丢给他一个棘手的问题。
Nicira, a start-up, has a very bold goal: to redesign the computer network to make all kinds of networked devices smarter, faster and cheaper. As early as 2003, Martin Casado found that there was no small challenge ahead of him: he needed to reinvent the technology used to support the Internet. The current technology has been in place for decades and proved earlier that it could not stand the cyberwar of this era. A former researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory at the time, an American intelligence agency found him and threw him a thorny issue.