Roosters Playing in the Woods

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanfan001
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Here is an arresting cold dish to offer your guests! Provide them not only a treat for their taste buds, but also for their eyes. Only you will know that this impressive dish and stunning centerpiece is actually not too complicated to make. The head: The white part is carved from hard egg white. The cockscomb is made with red pepper and the eye is a green cherry. The body: The white feathers are made of hard egg white and the yellow feathers and feet hard egg yolk. The brown feathers are Provide them not only a treat for their taste buds, but also for their eyes. Only you will know that this impressive dish and stunning centerpiece is actually not too complicated to make. The head: The white part is carved from hard egg white. The cockscomb is made with red pepper and the eye is a green cherry. The body: The white feathers are made of hard egg white and the yellow feathers and feet hard egg yolk. The brown feathers are
几年前,若哪位不存钱还要上银行去逛,不挨上一句“吃饱了撑的”那才怪呢。可如今,没事也往银行跑,竟渐渐成为越来越多的人生活中不可少的内容。 逛银行究竟为了啥? ——一位
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●煎荷包蛋时,在蛋的四周溅上几滴热水,煎出来的蛋特别鲜嫩。 ●熬猪油时放少许水,可多熬油,而且更有香气。 ● fried poached egg, splashing a few drops of hot water ar