作为NBA历史上第一位亚洲出生的状元秀,现在的姚明风头正劲。但耐克作为姚明的签约方,可能要面临选择,因为耐克公司对姚明的赞助合约今年就将到期,而据《华尔街日报》报道,姚明的顾问们——“姚明之队”正在考虑换一家赞助商。一位顾问表示,姚明可能更适合某个小一点的牌子。“姚明之队”的决策令耐克措手不及。 一直以来,耐克的签约球员姚明、王治郅都为耐克立下了汗马功劳,但随
As the first Asian-born draft pick in NBA history, Yao Ming is in full swing. However, Nike as Yao Ming’s signing party may have to face the choice because Nike’s sponsorship contract for Yao Ming will expire this year, and according to “The Wall Street Journal” reported that Yao’s advisers - “Team Yao Ming” is considering a change Sponsor A consultant said Yao Ming may be more suitable for a smaller brand. “Yao’s team,” the decision to make Nike by surprise. All along, Nike’s signing players Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi Nike have made a contribution, but with