编辑同志: 今年我区西瓜和甜瓜大面积丰收,不少瓜农想在冬季储藏西、甜瓜,等到瓜果淡季的时候再运到市场上卖,一来搞活了市场,二来可卖个好价钱,多增加一些收入。但是苦于无这方面的经验,往年储藏西、甜瓜都烂掉了。故希望你们介绍一下,储藏西、甜瓜成功的经验。
Edit Comrades: This year I have a large area of watermelon and melon harvest, many melon farmers want to store in the West during winter, melon, wait until the off-season fruit and then transported to the market to sell, to invigorate the market, and secondly, to sell a good price , Add more revenue. But suffer from this experience, in previous years, storage West, melon rotten. So I hope you introduce, save the West, melon successful experience.